Other Worlds is the collection of short stories I've written in the last two years. Read on for some backstories and extra info about particular stories.
Some of the stories were published on Wattpad to an enormous response. If you click on the title, you can read them for free.
It was the first short story I've written in English. I did it in response to Reedsy prompt, but I kinda forgot about it and missed the deadline. That’s gonna be a running theme through this collection...
The Marriage Customs
A second short story I've written in English!
The Delivery
I wrote that story when I realized that almost all the characters in my stories are humans. Besides, Thyn Irrathax had a small role in the currently scrapped version of the first chapter of The Outworlder and my heart broke when I had to scrap her. So she’s getting a second chance now. Qovan will have a role in the sequel.
The Best Sorcerer in the World
A story inspired by wondering what could the most advanced magic in the universe be used for. Also, shoehorning another inhuman character, because why not.
The White Knights
A story originally written in Polish and recently translated. I cringed while doing this since it was so full of the very juvenile cleverness. Hopefully, I fixed the worst cases. As you may notice, it's much more cynical than my newer stories. Now I prefer more nuanced view, but I still like this story (maybe because it was the first story that got some positive feedback outside of my group of friends).
The Colors in Your Hand
A story written for Maria Herring Locked In contest. Literally written in one afternoon, edited in another then sent in, but I'm rather pleased by how it turned out.
Vrzwah da'Vxiun Rlei will play an important role in The Outworlder 2, but I couldn't wait to write about him, so I gave him this short story. It references events from TO and TO2, but I hope it makes sense on its own.
Living In The Shadow of the Beast
Written for Write Like Hell “Kaiju” submission, but as the deadline approached, I still didn’t have a clear idea of what to write. Then I realized it wouldn’t fit in with the horror preferences of the zine anyway. But I finished it and I'm pretty happy with it.
As for the creatures, I imagine muchwags as elephants of Cthulhu and glavanthe as distant and flightless descendants of pterosaurs.
All legends were old stories I wrote in Polish and translated to English.
King Rthuhuac's Treasure
Initially, this story had much more worldbuilding, but I decided to scrap some of it after my beta readers begged me to. You're welcome.
The Oath in the Night
I realized that along with The Best Sorcerer in The World this story takes the total number of characters wearing wide necklaces, skirts, cuffs, and greaves to two. Well, I can't help it, I dig that look.
The Night Mist
When I started working on translating it, I had a very vague idea of what’s it about (a girl… and the mist) and when I arrived at the end I realized that holy shit, that was depressive. If you’re depressed yourself, please don’t look for a way out. You're not alone in your struggles. Life does get better. (I think. I’m not quite there yet.) If you need help, there's a ton of resources online, and if you need someone to talk to, you can always hit me up.
The cover was made by Rusham Shoxbud.