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Despite being discovered later than Kooine, it was recognized earlier as a second junction world after Sfal.


Tydus is slightly bigger than Earth, but most of its surface is covered by the ocean. There are five small continents, not connected to each other, and a handful of islands.


While mining the islands, people discovered their surface was rising. It turned out they were made mostly of nubithium, a metal lighter than air. By mining out all the heavier metals, it was possible to raise some of the islands above the surface of the ocean. The flying islands are one of the most recognizable features of the world.


Another one are ruins of ancient civilization, some reaching almost to the sky-dome. They’ve been the subject of extensive research, but almost nothing was found around them. The only artifacts were cylinders of ak’di, a hard, black metal that no one can break to see what’s inside. A few glyphs have been found on the cylinders or the walls. The civilization, considered the first inhabitants of Meon Cluster, was dubbed Tydusians.


The sky of Tydus is blue or teal. It has one sun and two moons. The day and night cycle is irregular and lasts twenty-six to twenty-eight hours. Furthermore, Tydus is one of the few worlds with prominent seasons. There are three seasons that alltogether last one and a half cycle. During the first one, both moon-gates are open at all times, while the sun-gate is only open for twenty hours. The world is saturated with magical energy to the point when using magic becomes unpredictable. The second season has moon-gates only open at night and only for four hours. The flow of magical energy stabilizes, making Tydus the most friendly to habitation. The last season sees both moon-gates permanently closed and the cold light seeping through the sun which turns sickly green, painting the sky teal. The temperature rises to over 40°C and the magical energy, once again, becomes unpredictable, though not as explosive as during the first season. Each season has its own biosphere that dies out or goes to hibernation when it comes to an end.


The habitation in Tydus is limited and consists mostly of people who don’t rely on magic. A large number of Varpulian and Xha Xha humans, as well as chavikii explorers, settled on the continents to farm, while all kinds of people visit Tydus for its flying islands and ancient ruins.


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