Tarviss has a surface three times as big as Earth, covered mostly with land, with one moderately sized ocean and a few smaller bodies of water that could be very generously called seas. The world's surface is varied, with multiple mountain ranges and seemingly neverending plains stretched between them. The sky is pearly gray, with two round suns and six moons. Days last eleven hours, nights nine. The climate is temperate, with median temperatures around 20-25ºC (slightly hotter directly beneath the suns) and moist, with frequent water rains falling through the sky-dome. Because of that, Tarviss has always had excellent conditions for farming.
Plants on Tarviss have green leaves and are pretty similar to those on Earth. Because the world has been inhabited for so long, all the edible species have long ago been domesticated, while others—driven to extinction. Animals look like transitive species between birds, reptiles, and mammals, but the dominating class are all endothermic, egg-laying, social animals, with skin either bare or covered in fur. There's also a large class of bird-like creatures, with teeth and claws.
Tarviss was inhabited since untold times by dwarfs and scarians. Humans arrived here around ten thousand cycles ago, after the fall of Old Karir. Continuing good old Karirian traditions, they started a war with local inhabitants, which lasted many centuries but finally left humans as the only inhabitants of the world. It also cemented their speciesism and conviction of their own superiority.
Dwarfs and scarians managed to mine most of the ores of the world, but the soil was fertile and its fruits were enough to feed Tarviss along with a few neighboring worlds and the trade could provide all the metals Tarvissi may need. In time, thanks to this wealth—and the knowledge salvaged from Karir—Tarviss became one of the most important worlds in the cluster.
The society in Tarviss is strongly divided into classes. The lowest class are peons, who spend their lives serving their lords, with little hope for improvement. Above them are craftsmen and merchants, higher: warriors, then chosen officials, then lords, and on top priests-sorcerers. The lords—namely, the representatives of the most prominent families—hold the executive power via the Council of Sixty Four, but the most important decisions are made by the sorcerers. However, since Tarviss is big and sparsely populated, it's hard to keep strict control, so in most of the world, the power is held by local nobility. The higher powers only show up to collect taxes, resolve major conflicts, and of course, take care of the relations with other worlds.
Thanks to knowledge salvaged from Old Karir, for a long time Tarviss was one of the most powerful civilizations in the cluster, until the advancement in Dahls pushed it aside.
People of Tarviss - Tarvissi - are tall, with bright skin that easily tans, but apart from that, they share many features typical for the descendants of Karirians: dark straight hair and bright monolidic eyes. Their language is melodic with a strong accent. They are known as proud, self-important, and speciesists.